I definitely have a shoe addiction/obsession, but I also have pretty sensitive feet, and its hard to find high heels that don't rub the back of my heel, if there's a strap, forget it, my toe hurts, the sides create a blister and so on. So I had pretty specific things to look for: Closed toe, Wedge (for stability and look), teal/blue, and under 3 inches for my fiancé.
Some how miraculously, I found the most amazing "Something Blue" Shoe, on
eBay for like $9.99! They were totally me, with beautiful Indian fabric and details, the most perfect shoe, but since it was 3 inches, I know from living in the City, my feet would be barking by the end of the day.
The only shoe that doesn't hurt me is a boot. So I went on a search for the perfect bootie or ankle boot for the Reception and Pictures walking around the City (in November). FOR MONTHS....I looked... Finally I found a pair, and you know what, it wasn't exactly what I wanted, So I reconstructed it!. Hey Why not!
I cut off the front strap that I didn't like, cut it up into two strips, and hand sewed it as ruffles, next to the zipper for my own unique style! Perfecto!
In my research I have found some AWESOME shoe shops online, for AMAZING prices! here they are....